Monday, 17 April 2017

What is Coding?

You’ve seen the craze for learning code. But what exactly is coding? Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps and websites. Your browser, your OS, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with code.
Here’s a simple example of code, written in the Python language:
Many coding tutorials use that command as their very first example, because it’s one of the simplest examples of code you can have – it ‘prints’ (displays) the text ‘Hello, world!’ onto the screen.

Coding 101

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If you don’t know the first thing about coding, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together a beginner’s tutorial which will give you all the background information you need on coding, before you start learning it for real.
It starts with an explanation on the benefits of learning coding. Here, you’ll find out what you’ll be able to do once you know how to work with code. Then, you’ll get a deeper understanding of how coding works, and how the code you write gets converted into an instruction that a computer can ‘understand’. Very satisfying to know!

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